Grandmother Willow's Tree: April 3, 2014

Woo!  Can't believe I clicked the orange "publish" button yesterday!  I'm going to try to get in the groove of blogging by simply sharing the things I am grateful for each day.  My college roommate, Peggy, and I had this inside joke called "grandmother willow's tree" (my lamp), and I would try to write down what I appreciated about my day next to my sacred lamp and IKEA rats, Moe & Joe.  Our inside jokes are pretty crazy, but I grateful that I got to spend my college days living with someone who understood my nutty humor! 

Grandmother Willow's Tree:  April 3, 2014
  • friends that are supportive and encouraging of this blog 
  • seeing Gary under the desk at work 
  • less painful work day
  • Leon bought me lunch 
  • Watching Gary do the "cocoa puff" dance with Leon
  • hugging & kissing Gary when he's half awake 
  • Project Motivate study hall
  • seeing my mentee & learning about the rock process
  • watching Thuan's fierce dance 
  • hearing people appreciate each other after study hall
  • being surrounded by caring and dedicated Project Motivate mentors who stay back for late meetings
  • hearing about the new amazing plans for common ground 
  • Linh bought us all tacos
  • Yanis Marshall's new youtube dance video - he's my idol and I want to throw my shoe at the screen (it's a good thing!) 
  • Tuyen sent me a cute video of Maggie & Clayton 
  • Jenn can make it to the Day of Mindfulness 
  • seeing sunshine and rain at the same time 
  • everyone important in my life is alive and hopefully well 
  • ability to function to get through the day 
  • good news for friends
The video & choreography is beautiful!
